Monday, May 19, 2008

Kidnaping Due To Online Chat Rooms

In October 2006, a sexual predator lured a schoolgirl using a cell-phone based messaging service. The suspect, a 33-year-old man abducted and held the 16-year-old girl captive for five days, after he developed a cyber relationship with her through, MXit, the popular mobile chat service used by over 2.3 million people, mostly teenagers in South Africa. 
This article is one that is targeted towards parents and guardians warning them of the dangerous predators online. The article presents parents with possible solutions and ways in which they can educate themselves and their children about the possible online predators. Hopefully, this article will help provide parents with an insight into what their children have to face when they use the internet in a negative way. 


Anonymous said...

pretry cool blog... great info

Anonymous said...

hey... pretty cool blog, has lots of info

Anonymous said...

It is shocking to think that a few simple messages in chat rooms could have such a big impact on our safety. My parents have always warned me about chat rooms telling me stories much like the one i just read, about never talking to strangers, even if they appear to be normal and kind. Thank you for posting this!

Anonymous said...

I think it is very frightening to hear stories like that happening to people our age. Every parent should warn their child about the use of the internet and the dangers of online chat rooms.

Anonymous said...

It is very astonishing to hear that criminals are even using the internet to observe and in the worst case, kidnap children. Parents and guardians really need to warn their children about the people on the web. We need to watch out for eachother and not give out any personal information.

Anonymous said...

Wow I am shocked by this - I did know that horrible things like this could happen, but it is still quite creepy to read about it. I think teenagers should be much more careful online.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how unaware parents are about the internet world. It is crucial that parents know what can happen on social networkng sites.

Anonymous said...

This article is absolutely shocking! It is frightening to know that people do such cruel things to people in our age.

Anonymous said...

This artical is interesting and scary.

Anonymous said...

Technology can be a powerful tool when it comes to circulating opinion or information. Because it can be spread very quickly and is easy to access, the impact it can make can increase the drama.